

Gojo / Purell – What is the alternative?

As Gojo Industries, the skin health and hygiene giants, and the inventors of Purell™ exit the European market, has left thousands of companies across the UK stranded with their Gojo products. This news means that the companies who have adopted Gojo dispensers such as the FMX, LTX, Hand Medic, TDX,

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UK Bed Side Rail Regulations

Bed side rails are an effective barrier to stop patients falling out of bed. They are an important device for patient safety, but can cause risks to the patient if they are not used properly, so due care and consideration needs to be taken by care homes and their staff.

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Green Revolution in Care Homes!

In the pursuit of a sustainable future, care homes play a crucial role. Adopting practical, day-to-day actions that make a tangible impact on the environment and the well-being of their residents. By focusing on energy efficiency, waste reduction, and community engagement, care homes can create a culture of sustainability that

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The Importance of Profiling Beds in Care Homes

In the realm of healthcare, providing optimal care for individuals with diverse needs requires the integration of specialised equipment. Profiling beds stand out as a crucial asset in care homes, offering several benefits for individuals who require additional support during extended periods of bed rest. In this article, we will

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